Posted in General Chit Chat, Obama

Kiddie Drama in the White House

This last year has been so saturated with political dog fights, it’s any wonder that November 8 gave us a new president. All through the campaign both sides and their supporters were slinging so much fodder at each other no wonder they both, Clinton AND Trump seem to have emerged with a more than just egg on their face. However, this election isn’t the only one with loads of mud-slinging.


The weeks leading up to the 2004 election were met with propaganda from both sides: the Democrats used films by Michael Moore and attacked Bush’s National Guard service, while the Republicans took on Kerry’s service record in Vietnam. The result: Bush got re-elected and CBS anchor Dan Rather was forcibly retired from the news desk he’d sat at for 24 years.


1836: Martin Van Buren (Democratic-Republican) vs. William Henry Harrison (Whig) vs. Hugh White (Whig) vs. Daniel Webster (Whig) vs. Willie Mangum (Whig)

There are more but my point here is that the greatest difference between then and now is that communication has not only opened doors to education, social gatherings and finding lost loves, friends and family, but is has also created a looking-glass into everyone’s private lives. I mean who gives a rat’s patootie WHAT Trump said 12 years ago? Who cares about any of the non-issues Clinton and Trump squawked about during the campaign. What should have been the main focus in this campaign are the REAL issues, like Health Care, Education, Constitutional Rights, the economy, and our Justice System. These should have been their focus as well as laying out how they may accomplish these corrections to these issues. As it stands, we are not much better at knowing how Trump plans on tackeling these issues.

In essence, at least IMHO, all of the above just goes to prove that we have not evolved as much as we think we have. The core of human nature has not changed since Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden. That is, greed, lust, vengence and, false accusations to further one’s own agenda, need I say more?


Posted in General Chit Chat, Obama


O!M!G! I am absolutely astounded at how far the American mind-set has regressed. With all of the technology and access to giga-tarabytes (spelling), it is hard to wrap ones head around the prejudice, racism, cop-hating, white people-hating, and homeland terrorists groups that are hemorrhaging in our country. I was always told that knowledge is power and boy, we have a lot of access to knowledge. It would seem that with all the information available to anyone with a computer and internet access, that at some point they would have read about the perils of racism and prejudice, and it seemed to be working until Obama came into office.

In 1964 there were the Harlem riots. In 1965 we had the Watts Riots. In 1967 the Newark Riots made front page. And finally the Detroit riots in that same year. Read More

Now to some extent, I can understand the mind-set back then. Times were quite different. What really made a difference was what happened from Selma to Montgomery.

From 1900 to the 1960s, it seemed race riots were not all that uncommon. However, race riots during the Civil Rights Movement lasted from 1964 to 1969.

Riots from 1970 on were no longer the spotlight, but rather the Viet Nam War. People of all color gathered to protest and support the police action. From then on, racism seemed to be on the downgrade. Until President Obama was seated on what he considers to be his throne OWKA The White House.  Read More

He started the riots beginning in 2008 in his speech about racism. ORIGINAL SPEECH. The dude was dredging up and opening up old wounds that had been healed over with PEACEFUL demonstrations, the creation of the NAACP, and although Shirley Chisholm was the first BLACK WOMAN to be voted into congress in 1968, she was also the first black woman to run for president, yes I said president, in 1972., black women have come a long, long way.  African-American men have come a long way as well. To see a timeline of Black Americans in Congress.  CLICK HERE

In summary, it is my opinion that, there is somewhat of a conspiracy going on. Up until a few days ago, I really believed as a person of faith (not a Bible Thumper) that Obama was a puppet and setting the stage for the introduction of the antichrist. With all his ‘executive orders’, disregard of the American Flag, his apologies to foreign countries for the mistakes of the U.S. Obviously his lack of military strategies is severely lacking. You never apologize to an enemy when you are defending your country. I also believe that in some way and to some degree that he is behind all the violence that has been exploding. As for the violence at the GOP and other Trump speaking engagements, either of them could be the culprit although I believe that Trump has a love of humanity that seems to escape Barak Obama.

This election, IMHO, will eclipse that of JFK in 1962.